The series also keeps up David Production’s top class animation as well, especially during some of the fight sequences which often vary between suitably weird and unpleasantly gory. Thanks to the manga series being so far ahead, these adaptations haven’t suffered at all from the perils of filler, each manga chapter gets adapted with care and attention without overstaying their welcome, and I’m happy to report Stone Ocean also gets the same care. Most of these twelve episodes take place in the female wing of the prison, meaning nearly the entire cast are female which is a refreshing change compared to the previous five parts and quite forward thinking for something originally written in 2000-2003, especially given it’s a shonen story, a sub-genre packed to the brim with powerful male leads with female sidekicks or powerless love interests. She’s a very fun character that’s easy to root for, quite the tomboy but in a good way.

Jolyne starts off quite timid and scared but it doesn’t take long for her to gain self-confidence and soon she’s adapting to the harsh nature of prison life and the even harsher world of Stand battles. Then the man who is after the Kujo/Cujoh family also creates some Stand users and before you know it we’re in familiar territory as Jolyne soon gathers together some allies and spends an episode or two episodes battling a new Stand user and overcoming their often odd abilities. Jotaro intentionally sneaks a piece of a Stand-creating arrow that has been a fixture of the series and Jolyne gets stabbed by it, giving her Stand powers but the arrow piece goes missing and several other female inmates end up with Stand powers. She ends up in prison due to being involved in a hit and run with the car driven by her boyfriend but it’s soon established that locking her away was actually the plan of a mastermind located in the prison who wished to draw Jotaro to him so he can use his Stand abilities to steal his memories and find out ‘a key piece of information’, to be as vague as I can. Stone Ocean is set in 2011 at Green Dolphin Street Prison in Florida and our lead protagonist is Jolyne Cujoh, daughter of Part 3’s protagonist Jotaro Kujo. Throughout the course of the series so far some Stands have more than lived up to the “Bizarre” moniker that makes up part of the series title with extremely imaginative powers and even more imaginative ways for our lead characters to get out of them. Since the third part all the stories have featured “Stands”, personifications of character’s powers that exist as a separate entity visible only to other Stand Users. Stone Ocean is the fifth season of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure and covers the sixth part of the original manga story written by Hirohiko Araki (thanks to the first season containing Parts 1 and 2) For those unfamiliar JoJo’s is an odd series not just because, as the title suggests, it can get quite bizarre but also that it’s split into parts each set in new locations, time periods and with a new central protagonist along with a mostly new cast.